This image created by Kathryn' 19, explains some of the main elements of the Global Scholars Program.
Global Scholars
The Global Scholars Program equips students with the necessary skills and experience to be leaders in the competitive and challenging 21st century. It exposes them to different cultures, languages, and perspectives and they will come away with a deeper understanding of the complex web of cultural, religious, social, economic, and scientific issues that are the trademarks of our global world.
Students with demonstrated interest in global issues and affairs can apply to be a Global Scholar during their junior year. Students commit to rigorous coursework and language study, as well as participation in service to a global community, and extracurricular activities. Global Scholars present their experiences, research, and life lessons, to the whole school in the spring of the their senior year.
The Global Scholars Experience
Kate '18 spreads the word about World Adventures Club, an organization she founded. Christa '19, joins in the fun!
Paige '19, compares her Woodlands ring to this Sacred Heart image in a France church.
As an exchange host, Paige '19 escorts her exchange sister around the city of Chicago.
To spread her love of World Literature, Caitlin '18 created displays like this one in several local libraries as a part of her Global Studies project.
Abigail '19 also participated in Woodlands' exchange program and visited our sister school in Barcelona, Spain.
Kathryn '19, organized several fundraising activities to raise funds for our sister school in Uganda.
Part of Paige's capstone project included researching Japanese culture, particularly food. Paige hosted a Japanese exchange student and also visited Japan on a Woodlands group trip.
Abigail '19 and her friends participate in service in Quito, Ecuador.
Part of the Global Scholars program is engaging in service. Paige '19 participated in our Network summer service program.
Kate '18 arrives in Nicaragua for her service trip, one component of the Global Scholars program.
Caitlin '18 organized a bake sale and sold bracelets for our sister school in Uganda. Pictured here are friends Christa '19 and Anna '18.
Requirements for a Global Scholars Certificate
Your example, even more than your words, will be an eloquent lesson to the world.
St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, RSCJ