The intention of Sacred Heart education is to address the whole person. You come as you are and are cared for with great love. The hope is to implant you a sacred love for yourself, to challenge you to be more honest, to lead you along the road of integrity.

- Life at the Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

Unique in our approach, unified in our commitment to the legacy of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat.

Woodlands Academy belongs to the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, an association of 25 Sacred Heart schools across the United States and Canada. Sacred Heart Schools share a belief in the values of Christian education articulated nearly two hundred years ago by Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, the founder of the Society of the Sacred Heart.

As a student at a Sacred Heart School, our students are a part of a global network of educational institutions in 41 countries that are committed to the same core principles.

Woodlands Academy operates independently (governed by our Board of Trustees), but is entrusted by the Society of the Sacred Heart to fulfill our mission in accordance with the Goals and Criteria.