Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart’s May Crowning Mass was held Friday, May 3, as a reminder that Mary’s example continues to endure 2,000 years after her Assumption. Further, this ceremony encourages each student to continue passing down Mary’s story by modeling lives of integrity, resilience and virtue. May Crowning is a traditional way within the Catholic Church to honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus, by crowning her statue with a wreath of flowers.
“What makes Mary especially unique and relatable is that she was not a known or wealthy individual when God called her to serve,” said senior Sapphire Bankston-Hunter in her opening remarks. “Mary’s example is universal, and anyone can look to her life to see how she demonstrated a life of love and service, deep trust, courage, resilience, and strength.”
The service included a powerful reflection shared by senior Greer Talty. “As I have grown here at this high school filled with amazing young women, so has my interpretation of Mary,” she said. “Mary should be an influence for all women. No matter what one believes or doesn’t. I see Mary in my everyday life. I even see Mary in myself sometimes.”
Talty continued by focusing on her own mother, whom she described as the most important and relevant role model in her life: “Her motherly love is shared to all of the people in my life, constantly taking other people under her wing to look after, never missing a game or event of mine or my sister’s and being my number-one supporter in any decision I make. … She has taught me what is truly important in life and the characteristics I should value, many of which Mary portrayed. [My mom] is my living proof of Mary, and they are both mothers I strive to be like.”
The Procession of the Senior Court and Honor Guard, leading up to the crowning of Mary’s statue, followed Talty’s reflection. Each Senior Court member, selected by a vote of the entire student body, performed an assigned task: Teresa Ciaglo carried the banner, Raisa David read a special prayer, Campbell Eggers carried the crown of flowers and Talty had the honor of placing the crown on the statue of Mary.
The Honor Guard is comprised of two members from each Woodlands Academy class chosen by a vote of members of that class: seniors Sapphire Bankston-Hunter and Salome Diaz-Rojas, juniors Zara Dimovski and Vanessa Tellez, sophomores MacKenzie Lockhart and Lucy Petherbridge, and freshmen Rei En Chew and Nyah Watson.