The intention of Sacred Heart education is to address the whole person. You come as you are and are cared for with great love. The hope is to implant you a sacred love for yourself, to challenge you to be more honest, to lead you along the road of integrity.

- Life at the Sacred Heart


Woodlands Academy invites your interest in the positions posted below. Guided by the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria, the school makes a deliberate effort to employ faculty and staff of diverse races, ethnicities, and backgrounds (Goal IV, Criterion 5).

The application process includes the following required documents:

1. The Application: To view a list current job openings and to complete your application please visit:

Job Openings and Applications 

2. Within the application, please submit these three documents:

A. Cover Letter (required): Please include a cover letter that explains your interest in working at Woodlands Academy.

B. Curriculum Vitae (required): Woodlands Academy requires a current curriculum vitae (resume) as part of a candidate's application packet.

C. Personal Reflection Statement (required): Sacred Heart schools follow the “Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria” as our mission. This mission unites schools with the Society of the Sacred Heart around the world. Please read the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria, then write a personal reflection that discusses how your employment at Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart will enhance the School’s “living the mission.” Upload the document under "Upload additional files." This is a requirement of the application process.