#1 All-Girls Catholic High School in Illinois

#1 All-Girls High School in Illinois

2020 National Blue Ribbon School


From athletics to robotics, mathematics to music, a Woodlands education is as much about what goes on outside the classroom as within it. Our programs encourage each student to try something new and compete to the highest of her ability.

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Girls are front and center in our classrooms and our teachers can teach in the ways that girls learn best. Each student at Woodlands develops meaningful relationships with adults and is encouraged to take an active role in her learning.

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Woodlands Academy’s curriculum encourages girls to explore their talents, broaden their horizons, and learn what it means to be a global citizen. Our Center for Global Studies is an integral part of that.

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Every day our students are surrounded with powerful examples of young women taking charge and making a difference in their world. And it starts from day one.

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Woodlands News

Area middle school girls compete in Woodlands' Mathalon

Nearly 50 girls in grades 6-8 from 11 schools in Lake and Cook counties competed in Woodlands Academy’s 12th annual Mathalon on Feb. 1. They put their math skills to the test in creative ways. Woodlands created the Mathalon event as a way of getting girls interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) courses and, possibly, careers at an early age.     

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Robotics Club members mentor K-4 students at local library workshop

A group of about 10 area K-4 students learned about building, programming and operating robots from members of the Woodlands Academy Robotics Club during a one-hour workshop at the Lake Forest Library on Jan. 25. The idea for this Drop-in Robot Showcase came from Maddie Wenc, the Lake Forest Library’s youth services librarian and a 2015 graduate of Woodlands Academy.

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Woodlands Academy team to compete in national academic event

Based on their performance at a recent preliminary round held at Evanston Township High School, a team from Woodlands Academy has advanced to the April 2025 Small School National Championship Tournament. Avery Drehkoff, Margaret Glunz, Claire Caserio and Juliette Hopman are among the qualifying small school quiz bowl teams from across the United States and beyond.      

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Quarterly Sacred Heart Awards presented Dec. 6

The second quarterly Sacred Heart Awards of the 2024-25 school year were announced during an all-school assembly on Dec. 6. Those recognized for living out Goal One were freshmen Cherynn Kim and Alyssa Mann, sophomores Luciana Regal and Nicole Waldman, juniors Janicel Otero and Lucy Petherbridge, seniors Yaya Cabrera and Jaela Lisbey, and theology teacher Christine Zapf. 

Read More about Quarterly Sacred Heart Awards presented Dec. 6

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    Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart

    Instilling Faith

    Faith in self, in potential, in beliefs
    Faith in each other, and in the power of understanding the world

    Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart

    Building community

    A community of risk-takers, of profound thinkers, and of informed leaders.
    A community of scholarship and of reciprocal respect, and of young women of the Sacred Heart

    Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart

    inspiring courage

    Courage to be brave, to be authentic, to speak up, to act, to leave an imprint for good
    Courage to be global citizens empowered to change the world.